Friday, February 12, 2010


giggle giggle help me someone-perferably my prince charming! <3 hicup :P


hicup, hicup, the hicups and can't get rid of them! anybody have ANY ideas? how ever wierd they may seem to you i'm sure they won't be at all wierd to me so tell me them or else...i will send you the hicups through your email...muhahahahaha. that's an evil laugh...muhahahahhahahahaha....muahahahahah.
so far i've tried chewing gum, swallowing gum, holding my head under water for a while and sucking on gum, and kissing fufu gummy. nothing works! please help me!!!!
hicup, hicup, hicup...remember the pain of hicups the simply horid feeling you get with them and the embarassment! it's horid, awful, terrible, trajic-or however you spell it (no wonder i quit school and ran away from home). help me...S.O.S!!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


is'nt my blog just the best?!!??!?!?!?!?! tell all your friends about please my dear follower aero! if everyone was as kind and perfect as aero i'd be making big bucks on my blog. THANK YOU AERO! how does everyone like my ipod :P


today i entered the lottery. i figured i'm 20 now i should really start getting rich but i'm never gonna be a millionaire by steeling gum and chocolate so i thought the lottery is an easy way to get $$$$$$$$$. fufu gummy thinks i'm insane going crazy everytime i get money. he thinks the stuff is rather over rated. what a stupid dog. so, i'm hoping i'll win. i think i will. do you? please comment. aero nails, my only follower, you're so quiet. please comment! i love you and if i do win the lottery you're gettin the big bucks too! peace out!
oh ya, since i forgot to put up a picture of fufu gummy when i said i would i'm adding it now.

Monday, February 8, 2010


it is late and i have had a crazy day of raiding gum ball machines!
i think i'm going to add chocolate bar theif to my occupation cuz it's hard to make enough on selling gum on kijiji. i am feeling awfully depressed at the moment. today a police oficer kicked me out of the amusment park. i preteded i was a stupid teen. i think i'm getting older-stealing gum isn't as easy as it used to be you know. i'm hungry....
good anyone even reading this blog? i only have 1 follower. how lame is that? i wish i was rich and i could give aero nails 500 bottles if nailpolish. she would like that...whoever she is :(...sorry aero nails.

गुड मोर्निंग

me:good morning people of all shapes and sizes! and good morning world, how are you? world: good thanks you?
me: awful!
world: why?

This was my conversation with the world this morning! i'm awful cuz i was up with fufu gummy about 10 time last night! felt like 10000! yawn. what a nasty dog.
today i have to go to work. i think i will go sneak into an amusment park and see what they have there for gum. keep your fingers crossed that i will hit a jackpot okay?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

the dawg

peace to all blog reader type wierdo wacko people! this is my first not last blog post! so don't be offended by it. i too have now just bought a creature i thought was a dog but now i'm thinking it's an alien from outer space. I have grown very fond of him and have named him fufu gummy :). he's so so so cute! i will post a picture. and now you must be asking how i can afford a dog. well, i steal gum from vending machines and sell it on kijiji. i've earned quite a stash of money and so i decided i needed a dog to watch for people when i steal gum. it is not to expensive for me to have a dog cuz he eats grass and gum. even though it get's stuck in his teeth. oh, if you just searched camera or makeup this is the sentence about it. get a makeover and don't forget pictures.