Sunday, February 7, 2010

the dawg

peace to all blog reader type wierdo wacko people! this is my first not last blog post! so don't be offended by it. i too have now just bought a creature i thought was a dog but now i'm thinking it's an alien from outer space. I have grown very fond of him and have named him fufu gummy :). he's so so so cute! i will post a picture. and now you must be asking how i can afford a dog. well, i steal gum from vending machines and sell it on kijiji. i've earned quite a stash of money and so i decided i needed a dog to watch for people when i steal gum. it is not to expensive for me to have a dog cuz he eats grass and gum. even though it get's stuck in his teeth. oh, if you just searched camera or makeup this is the sentence about it. get a makeover and don't forget pictures.

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