Friday, February 12, 2010


hicup, hicup, the hicups and can't get rid of them! anybody have ANY ideas? how ever wierd they may seem to you i'm sure they won't be at all wierd to me so tell me them or else...i will send you the hicups through your email...muhahahahaha. that's an evil laugh...muhahahahhahahahaha....muahahahahah.
so far i've tried chewing gum, swallowing gum, holding my head under water for a while and sucking on gum, and kissing fufu gummy. nothing works! please help me!!!!
hicup, hicup, hicup...remember the pain of hicups the simply horid feeling you get with them and the embarassment! it's horid, awful, terrible, trajic-or however you spell it (no wonder i quit school and ran away from home). help me...S.O.S!!!!

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